NOTD Glitter Nails

As we both love China Glaze Dollhouse we decided to take part in another of Fee from Make up Savvy 15 days of Nails. (link here)…

NOTD Barry M Chameleon

I’m loving doing our 21 days of nails. I’m linking the fact it’s giving me the excuse to paint my nails so much as well…

NOTD: Galaxy Nails

Galaxy nails have featured heavily on blog posts around the world for the past year or so. I’ve never actually tried it as I thought…

NOTD Sally Hansen 080 Glitzy Gal

I picked this nail varnish up quite a while ago now and have been meaning to share it for a while. It’s Sally Hansen Glitzy…

NOTD China Glaze Turned Up Turquoise

Day 12! Here’s my other latest China Glaze purchase and a beautiful colour for brightening up your gloomy summer days! This is one of their…

NOTD: Chanel Couture Fall 2012

Day 10! I originally saw this design courtesy of Polish you Pretty found here, they have a great website with nail tutorials and ideas and…

NOTD: Olympic Inspiration

Day 8! This is a collection of Olympics inspired nail art from the both of us. As I type this I’m sat watching the gymnastics!…