You can now follow us on BlogLovin :)

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Seeing as Google Friend Connect is being shut down as of March, we decided it was time to sign up…

No7 Blush

With the last boots vouchers we both decide to get a new blush. L was after a stick blush for ages and spotted the No.…

Babyliss Thermo Ceramic Rollers 3035bu

I’ve been wanting heated rollers for so long now. I love curly hair and these just seemed to be an easier way to achieve it,…

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Whether you’re a lover or a hater we would like to wish you a Happy Valentine’s day, and hope that in one way or another…


I’m really getting into this nail art malarky! I have completely forgotten where I got this idea from so I apologise in advance if you’ve…

Review: Rimmel Wake Me Up Foundation

On a recent trip to boots together seeing a new foundation was out we both had to grab it and try.  We both love Rimmel…

Versatile Blogger Award Part 2

So here’s part two of our versatile blogger award as the very kind Jade from jetleymess and Anika from Ele Font were kind enough to both award us it.…