Review: Lush Dream Cream

My boyfriend always goes into lush for my Birthday and Christmas present and will get me a few bits from there. When I opened this…

Recent Purchases

If you’ve been reading this blog for a while then you’ll know that I’ve been jobless and therefore a little bit poor for quite a…

Selfridge’s Beauty Box winner!

After 2 weeks of entries we can finally announce the winner of the Selfridge’s Beauty Box giveaway was Lola from Lola in the Lounge! Congratulations…

Guest Post: Aisle Three

Happy Friday to everyone! If you haven’t seen on Twitter I ,(that is L), am currently nearing the end of my dissertation for my Masters…

Bloggers Unite to Loose Weight

After asking on twitter whether you would prefer a post on tan or my progress on my couch to 10k post I wrote a few…

Sleek Pout Polish Perfect Plum

It’s been a while since I’ve done a lipstick post (previously my Lipstick Monday’s series which can be found here) my last post was the gorgeous…

Review: Origins Super Spot Remover

After waking up last Thursday with the biggest spot ever on my face. It had developed into painfulness from a few days earlier and was…