Review: Mac Studio Fix Fluid

I’ve been using this foundation for a little while now. It was something else I picked up in America for cheaper than here in the…

FOTD Smokey Day Eye Mila Kunis Inpisired

After watching a few Mila Kunis films in recent weeks I’ve round myself leaving my beloved heaven and earth palette behind except for the shade…

List Love

I have a really big love of lists and I’ve no idea why that hasn’t translated into my blog posts, but I figured it was…

Review: Mac MSF in Soft and Gentle

When L broke my Mac virginity back in March this was one of the first products that caught my eye as we browsed the counter.…

Reunion Night Out!

Me and M both went out together on Saturday for a reunion… Needless to say we spent the entire week getting ready (scrubbing, moisturising, tanning….)…

10 Things I would Repurchase: Part 2

I loved the tag M did the other day (here) so decided to my own as well. I’d never really thought about it before so was…

Review: Mac Studio Care Blend Pressed Powder

This is one of my favourite products to use and I don’t know why I haven’t posted about it before. I buy lots of powders…