10 Forever Wardrobe Pieces

Hi there! I’ve been browsing websites and magazines for the last 2 weeks whilst off and have been loving catching up with celeb gossip and…

If I had £100…

Hello there! I’ve mentioned many times that I’m a huge fan of lists, I’ve got so many notebooks full of them, mostly to do lists.…

25 Before 26 Update

As a list lover I’ve been writing a fair few of them recently in order get my ass in gear and get things done. Not…

25 Before 26 Update

Good morning! A few months ago I wrote a post about me wanting to get a load of things off my 101 things in 1001…

25 Before 26

Morning! Bit of a lifestyle and list post for you today. I keep seeing lots of these doing the rounds, they’re like mini bucket lists…

Spending Ban Update (3)

My spending ban hasn’t been too bad this week. I did cave and buy myself a new sonic toothbrush, but I feel that’s not really…